Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Meet Onyi, PA-C

Physician Assistant. Millennial Mommy. Long Distance Wife. 1st gen Nigerian-American. Blogger.

Why PA?
It was the perfect job for me. I'm able to practice medicine with flexibility in schedule and specialty.

How long did it take to find your 1st job after graduation?
I graduated in November, took my PANCE in December and was offered a position in January.

How long have you been practicing? What specialty are you currently working in? How did you choose it?
I have been practicing for 3.5 years. I have been working in Pediatric Surgery and Adult Urgent Care. These specialties best fit my personality and desired schedule. I preferred longer days with more off days. I am speaking in past tense since I am on maternity leave and will be beginning another position in a few months.

Do you feel like school adequately prepared you? Why or why not?
Yes, I feel didactic OSCEs were a great introduction and clinical rotations especially prepared me for practicing in the real world.

How do you deal with stress?
To be honest, I'm a millennial so I escape with some social media scrolling and reality TV.

Best experience in practice so far?
My best experiences in practice have been while gaining the trust of my surgeon. The more they trust you, the more you may be allowed to do during surgery.

Advice for Pre-PA students and/or current PA students
Advice for Pre-PA students: Don't ever give up and prepare yourself to apply more than once. Applications for PA school are getting more and more competitive, but they are worth the struggle.

Advice for PA Students: Do your best to focus on the program. You do not want to be one of the students that fail out and have to change career paths. You were blessed enough to get here so take full advantage.

For more on Onyi, you can find her on IG @Sincerelyonyi and You can also join us on FB Black Girl Medicine

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